Required Forms
Below please find five (5) forms for download prior to each workshop your child attends. Please download and complete prior to the first day of class and please have your student bring these forms and have them ready at check in.
These forms are required and your student will not be allowed to stay without completion of these forms.
The forms that you will need to download and complete are:

Summer Workshop Hours
Each workshop begins at 8:30am and concludes at 3:00pm.
Drop off begins at 8:10am. There will be car side check-in per the directions for students being dropped off.
There will also be car side check-out from 3:00pm-3:30pm. Please do not be late picking up your student.
Please look for the student assistant with the bright yellow clipboard when dropping off or picking up your student.

The area for drop off by the Training Room can get a little congested. Please be patient with our student assistants and other parents.
Cell Phone and Electronics Policy
All cellphones must be on vibrate mode during class time. Texting is not allowed during class time.
We encourage your student to leave all other electronic devices at home. Theft has occurred in the past, which has been highly upsetting to the student and our staff. Leaving these items at home is the best policy.

Our Classroom

Our classrooms are PC-based. If your student would prefer to bring their Mac and the workshop software will run on a Mac, that is fine with us! Please let us know prior to the workshop so we can send you the software download link.
Our classrooms may get a little chilly so your student may want to bring a sweater or jacket.
Lunch and Snacks
Your student will need to bring lunch each day. Students will not be allowed to go on campus to purchase lunch. Bringing a morning or afternoon snack is just fine. Students may eat their snacks during break times.

Carpooling and After Class Care
- If you will be carpooling with another parent, please give us a note on the first day of class so we know who will be picking up your child.
- We do not offer aftercare for our workshops. Pick up is between 3:00-3:30pm.
- If you work on campus and wish for your child to walk over to your office, please give us a note so we have it on file.
- If you wish for your child to go to the library after class, we will also need a note.
Late Pick-Up Policy
Parents of students enrolled in UCSD StudentTECH summer programs will be charged
$10.00 per 10 minutes / family based on the program pick up times listed below:
All Summer Workshops at the San Diego Supercomputer Center, UCSD (M – F) Pick up: 3:00pm – 3:30pm.
If a parent or authorized pick up person does not arrive or call by 5 minutes past the designated pick up time, staff will assume an emergency exists and will begin to call emergency contacts for your student.
If no emergency contact can be reached within 1 hour past designated pick up time, staff may contact the UCSD Police Department who will pick up the student.
Late fees will be due within two business days.
If a student is picked up late more than three times in a two session period, the parent(s) will be required to meet with the Director before the student may return to the program.
Continued disregard for the pick up time is cause for the student’s termination from the program without refund.
Directions to the San Diego Supercomputer Center at UCSD
Some of our workshops will take place in our training room and some will be in our auditorium. Below you will find directions to both locations. Directions will be sent via email one week prior to each workshop.
Special Note to Credit Card Users
When using a credit card, rather than a personal check or money order, please be sure that you do not intend to cancel your registration. Our credit card transactions are processed through industry standard, which allows 120 days from time of purchase for credit card refunds. After that time, UCSD cannot process a credit card refund.

Our Refund Policy
In order to best serve our students, SDSC StudentTECH has a firm cancellation policy. Cancellations or changes must be made in writing at least 10 business days prior to the first day of class. Cancellations will receive a refund of 50% of the course registration fee. No refunds will be issued after 10 business days prior to the first day of class. As of summer 2017, credit for future courses will no longer be issued. Students who are no shows will not be eligible for a refund and may not be rescheduled to another course.

Guidance and Answers at Your Fingertips
If you have any questions about the registration process, please contact Ange Mason, SDSC Education and Outreach, via phone at (858) 534-5064 or email at