About the Program
With over 40 students volunteering to help spread the word about UCSD is expensive outreach efforts, the Outrage Ambassador Program is off to a great start! Representing over 15 schools from across the county, students meet monthly to discuss plans among their individual schools for STEM dissemination. Students are currently spreading the word about our ABLE program, the application process for this program is currently open and closes on October 7, 2022. For more information and complete details, please visit

Volunteer Certification
The Picky Eats Charitable Foundation has partnered with UCSD Supercomputer Center’s Outreach Ambassador Program in certifying your volunteer hours to qualify for The Presidents Volunteer Service Award (PVSA). The program will certify a minimum of 5 hours per month or more with the approval of the program director, Ange Mason.
Please click here to learn more: https://www.pickyeats.org/volunteer-certification-for-ucsd-sdscs-oap/
Guidance and Answers at Your Fingertips
Ange Mason of the San Diego Supercomputer Center (amason@ucsd.edu, 858 534-5064) is available to provide guidance and answer any questions you might have. Just ask!