Summer at UCSD

Celebrating 19 Years of STEM-focused Student Programs

Registration for SDSC  Summer Camps and Workshops  Open Now!

Our summer program for middle and high school students will celebrate its 19th year of STEM – focused summer programming. Included this year, there will be python and Java programming, introductory and advance probiotics and game design. Please take a look and sign up today!

UCSD Zero Tolerance Behavior & Web Responsibility Rules of Conduct


  • Profanity, name-calling, disrespectful and vulgar language on the part of the student is prohibited. After one verbal warning, students will be removed from the program if a second verbal warning is required.
  • Students may not exhibit aggressive behavior towards another student.
  • Students may not place his/her hands on another student.
  • Student conduct, either individually or in a group, that is intentionally disruptive to or designed to be disruptive to the program may result in dismissal from the program.
  • Disrespect towards UCSD staff and classroom teaching assistants will not be tolerated.
  • Possession of a weapon of any kind is strictly prohibited and will result in the student being sent home without a refund. A weapon is defined as any knife, tool, or implement capable of inflicting serious bodily harm.
  • Accessing any outside food delivery service is prohibited.


  • Digital or photographic artwork must represent the original work of the student and must not include plagiarism or copyright violations.
  • Digital and photographic artwork may not contain profanity, vulgar language, or statements that promote hatred towards an individual, race, or community.
  • UCSD staff reserves the right to determine what is deemed inappropriate.
  • Viewing or accessing material that may be deemed inappropriate by StudentTECH staff will be cause for parental notification and possible dismissal without refund.
  • Viewing or accessing video games or social networking sites during class instruction will be cause for parental notification and possible dismissal without refund.
  • The student is solely responsible for the content of his/her project creation.

Our Refund Policy

In order to best serve our students, SDSC StudentTECH has a firm cancellation policy. Cancellations or changes must be made in writing at least 10 business days prior to the first day of class. Cancellations will receive a refund of 50% of the course registration fee. No refunds will be issued after 10 business days prior to the first day of class. As of summer 2017, credit for future courses will no longer be issued. Students who are no shows will not be eligible for a refund and may not be rescheduled to another course.

Guidance and Answers at Your Fingertips

If you have any questions about the registration process, please contact Ange Mason, SDSC Education and Outreach, via phone at (858) 534-5064 or email at