REHS Application

Important Dates to Remember

Program Dates: June 16 – August 8, 2025
Application process is closed
Application deadline was March 15, 2025.b
Notification Window is May 1 – May 15, 2025..

The Application

As students will notice, the application is similar to previous internship applications that UCSD has used for other programs, but with a few less requirements.

Please complete the REHS application thoughtfully and completely. You cannot take back a first impression. You may apply for up to two projects, so please be sure to indicate Selection #1 and #2. You do not need to apply for two projects, but the option is there if you wish to do so.

Please Remember To:

  • Address your cover letter to your first choice mentor.
  • Provide a well crafted resume
  • Write thoughtfully. Check for spelling errors.
  • Be honest. If your grades slipped a little, explain why. We all have issues that present themselves and that sometimes hinder achievement. A simple explanation is all you need.
  • Write a thoughtful essay as to why you wish to participate.
  • Be thorough. Refer to the checklist before submitting your application.

Please DO NOT:

  • Ask your parent to write your essay.
  • Reuse a school essay. We can spot these a mile away!
  • Use slang. (Yes, this has happened.)
  • Address the mentor incorrectly in your cover letter. Please be sure to use Dr. when warranted and please do not use Dr. when the mentor does not have a doctorate. This seems like a small mistake, but it can count against you.

Once your online applications are submitted, they will be sent to the REHS mentors for review and student selection.
Selected students will be notified in early May.

Application Review Process

The REHS mentors submitting applications for a high school mentee will receive their student applications mid-March. Mentors will be asked to make their student selections by early May. The program continues through the second week of August.

Need Guidance?

Please do not hesitate to work with your school counselor to discuss how the REHS program can help you advance your research or career interests and goals. Many of your school personnel attended a REHS Overview session and may have the answers you need.

Please also feel free to contact the REHS Coordinators for guidance. We are here to help! Please contact Ange Mason of the San Diego Supercomputer Center (, 858 534-5064). We are available to provide guidance and answer any questions you might have. Just ask!