What’s next?
- Verify ID & Make Photocopy (Visa Documents as well if Non-US Citizen)
- UCSD Volunteer Appointment Agreement
- SDSC Volunteer Confirmation Form
- Consent note from parent/guardian (if under 18)
- Oath and Patent Form
- Emergency Contact Sheet
- UPAY 554-6 Personal Data Form
- Substance Abuse Policy & Receipt Received
- Worker’s Compensation Booklet & Receipt Received
- Responsible Conduct of Research & Receipt Received
- UCSD Principles of Community Handout
- CANRA Form
- Waiver of Liability

Your Role as a Participant
Your role in the MAP program is to be an active and enthusiastic participant. Remember, your level of involvement and engagement with the mentor will determine how beneficial the mentorship is to you.
All MAP student participants will be hired as volunteers by the San Diego Supercomputer Center at UC San Diego. Further details will be provided should you be selected to participate..

The Final Project

Students will be asked to create a research poster and three-slide presentation upon completion of the mentorship for the MAP Student Research Symposium, which will be held at the end of April each year.

There will be a poster creation training session to assist students with their poster creation and guidelines will be sent to all students.

Students are asked to work with their mentor with regard to the information to be placed on the poster. You must receive mentor approval prior to sending your poster to the MAP Coordinators for printing.
Remember to clearly think about your goals for this program. With a concrete plan in mind, your mentorship will be as rewarding as you want it to be!
The Offer of an Internship
Upon successful completion of your six-month mentorships, students may be offered a volunteer summer internship. It is important for students to display reliability, enthusiasm and a clear work ethic to bolster chances of an internship offer.

Mentor Evaluation
An online evaluation of the mentoring experience by the student will be required. A final letter of reference for the student, if requested, is the responsibility of the mentor.

Ange Mason of the San Diego Supercomputer Center (amason@ucsd.edu, 858 534-5064) is available to provide guidance and answer any questions you might have. Just ask!